The example demonstrates adding optional fees (e.g., installation) to products.
Key Benefits
Flexibility: Easily add and charge for custom options.
Upselling Opportunities: Increase revenue by offering optional services or upgrades.
Customer-Friendly: Provide an intuitive shopping experience tailored to individual needs.
Purpose of the Example
Demonstrates how to add and charge for optional add-ons.
Example: Adding an installation fee to a tile product.
Steps to Create a Calculator
Set up a product with a base price in Shopify.
Use the Custom Price Calculator app to create a pricing calculator.
Add a checkbox element to the calculator:
Checkbox named Installation Fee.
Assign values (0 for unchecked, 100 for checked).
Configuring the Formula
Combine the base product price with the installation fee in the formula.
Example formula: Base Price + Installation Fee.
Previewing the Calculator
Preview to ensure functionality:
Display base price.
Update the price when the checkbox is selected.
Example: $100 base price becomes $200 with the add-on.
Embedding the Calculator
Attach the calculator to the product in Shopify.
Refresh the product page to see the embedded calculator.
Test the functionality on the product page (e.g., select/deselect add-on, add to cart).
Need Help?
If you have any questions about using the Custom Price Calculator app or its features, feel free to reach out to our support team. You can also install the app and start a free trial directly from the Shopify App Store.